THE WEEK AFTER a glorious bank holiday, though short, often feels like the longest week ever.
Remember the time you had an extra day off for no apparent reason? Remember that? That was great.
But don’t worry. It’ll be fine. Here’s why.
1) As of tomorrow morning, there are only three days to the weekend.
2) You can watch puppies playing at any time of day or night.
If you don’t have a dog of your own to cuddle, know that this Puppy Cam (with loads of fluffy Labrador pups) exists.
3) Because you’ve almost made it halfway through the week, you can definitely treat yourself tomorrow.
Whatever makes you happy, DO IT.
4) This happened
5) There is another bank holiday in just over three weeks’ time.
That’s right folks. On Monday 2 June, we’ll be doing this all over again. Aren’t we lucky sods?